What is New England Intergroup?
New England Intergroup (NEI) acts as a communications and service center for all registered S.L.A.A groups in eastern and central Massachusetts and all of Rhode Island (including Boston, Providence and Worcester) and any S.L.A.A. groups requesting such affiliation. There are currently 89 Meetings.
NEI holds monthly meetings to discuss intergroup business and provide support to our groups and members, which include but are not limited to:
- Provides 24-hour answering service (617/625-7961) for newcomers & fellow members visiting from out-of-town
- Receives, arranges & follows-up on 12-Step calls
- Answers newcomer inquiries about S.L.A.A.
- Maintains/publishes quarterly mtg. lists
- Organizes and hosts Annual Spring and Fall Recovery Gatherings
- Plans & facilitates 12-step retreat weekends in Chester, Vermont and Attleboro, Massachusetts
- Provides a monthly newsletter
- Organizes and promotes fellowship within the local S.L.A.A. community through various activities
- Maintains NEI’s Website
- Coordinates outreach activities
- Orders, and sells S.L.A.A. Conference-approved literature to groups
- Elects and supports delegates to represent NEI at Annual Business Meeting of S.L.A.A. at the International Level
What Does a Group Representative Do?
A Group representative attends the monthly Intergroup meeting, acts to represent the interests of their local group, brings Intergroup information back to their local group and keeps group members informed about Intergroup events and announcements. The representative brings their group’s conscience and represents the group in matters affecting them and S.L.A.A. Serving as an Intergroup representative is a great way to give service to S.L.A.A. and to benefit your own recovery.
What is the relationship of my local meeting to NEI?
New England Intergroup (NEI) acts as a communications and service center for all registered S.L.A.A groups in eastern and central Massachusetts and all of Rhode Island (including Boston, Providence and Worcester) and any S.L.A.A. groups requesting such affiliation. (GRs and ARs) have at least three months of continuous sobriety in S.L.A.A. Groups without members willing to serve that have at least three months of continuous sobriety in S.L.A.A. may choose to elect a provisional representative to serve on behalf of the GR and AR. Provisional GRs and ARs become voting GRs and ARs once they have obtained the required sobriety. NEI suggests that each GR and AR has three months of concurrent affiliation with the group the delegate wishes to represent. In the case of a meeting younger than three months, the concurrent affiliation requirement shall be waived.
When are NEI meetings held?
The monthly Intergroup Business Meeting takes place from 5:00PM – 7:00PM on the second Sunday of each month (with a few exceptions).
Meetings are currently held over Zoom
Meeting ID: 128 213 347
by Phone
929 205 6099
NEI Monthly Meeting April 2025
April 13 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pmNEI Monthly Meeting May 2025
May 4 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pmNEI Monthly Meeting June 2025
June 8 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pmNEI Monthly Meeting July 2025
July 13 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pmNEI Monthly Meeting August 2025
August 10 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pmNEI Monthly Meeting September 2025
September 14 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pmNEI Monthly Meeting October 2025
October 5 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pmNEI Monthly Meeting November 2025
November 9 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Does NEI have contact information for your group(s)?
NEI currently has contact/representative information for 70% of groups (43 out of 61 groups) in the NEI service area. We need your help in providing this information to Intergroup. Please see Meeting Contacts Summary to see if your group has a designated group contact and/or representative. NEI is asking that each meeting provide 2 contacts. Please bring this form to your local meeting and discuss at your next business meeting. You can also fill out the Meeting Information Form to register your group contact or Intergroup representative with NEI.
What does NEI do with group contact information?
NEI retains telephone and email contact information in case there is an inquiry from a newcomer or prospective meeting attendee, with questions such as, whether a group is still meeting when there is inclement weather or if group will be meeting on a major holiday, whether a group is still active if an attendee shows up at a meeting and no one was there, etc. Unless we have a way to get in touch with the group we may not be able to provide this information to a prospective attendee. Please note that any contact information provided to NEI is not shared outside of NEI – this information is confidential.
NEI also provides contacts and group representatives with S.L.A.A Intergroup information via our monthly mailings which can be shared with your groups and/or other members. You may have a certain part of your meeting designated for sharing program-related announcements. The monthly mailing includes an updated newsletter with local meeting changes, information on what may be happening at the S.L.A.A. International level (Fellowship Wide Services), NEI activities/events, meeting minutes summarizing what was discussed at previous NEI business meetings, summary of group 7th tradition donations, etc. Our quarterly printed meeting list is also included as part of the monthly mailing and is sent out via US Mail only.
Anyone who is interested in receiving Intergroup information is welcome to be on NEI’s mailing list. It is not required that you be a group representative or meeting contact to receive our regular mailing. Please see mailing list page to sign up to receive NEI’s mailings.
Does registering your group with NEI also register you with Fellowship Wide Services?
No. Groups registering with NEI also need to register their meetings separately with Fellowship Wide Services. Please visit Fellowship Wide Services web site.
Want to learn more about what NEI does?
Join NEI at an Intergroup meeting or request NEI members to attend one of your meetings where we can explain to groups what NEI does. To request for NEI member(s) to visit your meeting, you may email NEI’s Outreach Committee Chair. The Outreach Committee’s goal is to increase awareness of what NEI does and stimulate greater participation by the groups within NEI’s service area.
What is role of an Intergroup in relation to S.L.A.A. as a whole?
Intergroups have the job of linking the individual groups to Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous as a whole. Generally, any two or more groups in any area that wish to work together to assist the meetings they represent to grow and to help other sex and love addicts who still suffer may do so. Intergroups act as guardians of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions–meaning they help groups interpret the Steps and Traditions and encourage their use at meetings and in individual recovery to make S.L.A.A. safe for all who wish to attend. Intergroup members are representatives who provide the feelings, thoughts and ideas of the individual group they attend regularly and are representing, helping to ensure expansive experience, strength, and hope that will better enable the Intergroup to help those they serve–that is, the groups, their individual members AND those who still suffer. Fellowship-Wide Services (F.W.S.) relies heavily on Intergroups to help carry the message to current and potential members of the program. Intergroups do a variety of activities for the meetings they represent, including (but not limited to): creating meeting lists, newsletters and literature, running conventions and workshops, holding special meetings and fundraising events.