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New England Intergroup Bylaws

New England Intergroup Bylaws


Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition-oriented fellowship based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous.

The only qualification for S.L.A.A. membership is a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction. S.L.A.A. is supported entirely through the contributions of its membership, and is free to all who need it.

To counter the destructive consequences of sex and love addiction we draw on five major resources:

  1. Sobriety. Our willingness to stop acting out in our own personal bottom-line addictive behavior on a daily basis. Sponsorship / Meetings. Our capacity to reach out for the supportive fellowship within S.L.A.A.
  2. Sponsorship / Meetings. Our capacity to reach out for the supportive fellowship within S.L.A.A.
  3. Steps. Our practice of the Twelve Step program of recovery to achieve sexual and emotional sobriety.
  4. Service. Our giving back to the S.L.A.A. community what we continue to freely receive.
  5. Spirituality. Our developing a relationship with a Power greater than ourselves which can guide and sustain us in recovery.

As a fellowship S.L.A.A. has no opinion on outside issues and seeks no controversy. S.L.A.A. is not affiliated with any other organizations, movements or causes, either religious or secular. We are, however, united in a common focus: dealing with our addictive sexual and emotional behavior. We find a common denominator in our obsessive/compulsive patterns, which transcends any personal differences of sexual orientation or gender identity.

We need protect with special care the anonymity of every S.L.A.A. member. Additionally, we try to avoid drawing undue attention to S.L.A.A. as a whole from the public media.


The name of this organization shall be Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous New England Intergroup also known as S.L.A.A. New England Intergroup or N.E.I. henceforth referred to as Intergroup.



S.L.A.A. New England Intergroup originated in keeping with Tradition-Five of S.L.A.A.: Each group has but one primary purpose to carry its message to the sex and love addict who still suffers.


Intergroup acts as a communications and service center for all registered S.L.A.A groups in the New England states of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and any such groups which may request affiliation.


The services Intergroup shall provide and/or reflect the primary focus on administration and coordination of S.L.A.A groups comprising its membership.

1. Within the Fellowship of New England Intergroup:

  1. Meeting lists to be published quarterly, and distributed through the Group Representative (GR) and Alternate Representative (AR) to each group providing Intergroup with delivery information for their group.
  2. Publish a newsletter which reports individual, group, Intergroup and Fellowship-Wide Services (FWS) activities.
  3. Organize and administer special program events and at least one annual Recovery Conference Gathering as well as other special program events, i.e. marathons, round-ups, etc.
  4. Provide a forum for participating groups where they may share ideas, exchange suggestions for growth and promote unity of S.L.A.A within the Intergroup service area.
  5. Assist newly-formed groups in the service area.
  6. Provide Service Handbooks with suggestions on: formation, officers’ duties, business meeting formats, suggestions for newcomers, group inventories election of GR and AR, etc.
  7. Initiate correspondence / communication between Intergroups in the spirit of sharing our experiences, strengths, and hopes.
  8. Provide Fellowship-Wide Services with current lists of Intergroup officers, affiliated groups and provide names and addresses of current GR’s and AR’s.
  9. Provide a channel through which new literature can be produced, edited, and submitted to Fellowship-Wide Services.
  10. Alert Fellowship-Wide Services of ongoing activities of Intergroup.
  11. Work for S.L.A.A. as a whole.
  12. Provide a format for selection of Delegates and Alternates to Fellowship-Wide Services.

2. Outside the Fellowship in New England:

  1. Further the S.L.A.A. program in accordance with the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of S.L.A.A.
  2. Provide a PO Box and telephone service (hotline) to receive inquiries from those who still suffer,
  3. Connect an inquirer with an experienced, sober member of S.L.A.A. who would then encourage or take the newcomer to his/her first meeting.
  4. Educate the public with knowledge of S.L.A.A. recovery through regional papers, radio,TV and other public media staying within the Traditions of S.L.A.A.
  5. Disseminate meeting lists, information and literature to the professional community such as hospitals, penal institutions, correctional facilities, mental health clinics,rehabilitation centers, courts, juvenile homes and abused family residences.
  6. Assist mental health professionals by furnishing speakers for non-S.L.A.A. organizations who are interested in our recovery program and help these professionals to establish an S.L.A.A. group at their facility if requested.



It is recommended that each GR and AR have at least three months continuous sobriety in S.L.A.A. Each GR and AR is required to have three months of concurrent affiliation with the group the delegate wishes to represent. In the case of a meeting younger than three months, the concurrent affiliation requirement shall be waived.


Each GR and AR shall serve for a two year term, always subject to recall by the group they represent and in the event of a recall, the group shall elect another representative to assure continuing representation. The newly elected representative shall finish the original term of a GR who is unable to complete his/her two year term. All terms will start in January of the election year and end two years later.


  1. Each group registered with the Intergroup Secretary shall be entitled to two (2) votes in all business matters (i.e. one vote for the GR and one vote for the AR).
  2. Only the GR and/or AR duly elected by their group and registered with the Intergroup Secretary may vote at any meeting of the Intergroup. The vote that is cast should reflect the collective conscience of the group it represents. Visitors or non-registered groups are encouraged to participate in the discussion only and will have no voting privilege.



Intergroup shall meet for its regular business meeting the second week of each month on a day, time, and place to be arranged by the Chairperson, at least thirty days in advance. Should the regular meeting date conflict with a widely observed holiday, the meeting may be rescheduled to allow wider participation with 3 months notice to all groups as possible through publication in monthly mailings and the Intergroup newsletter. The meeting shall begin promptly and is expected to last for two hours.


The Corresponding Secretary shall notify the GR and AR of the meeting date, time and place through available and prevailing electronic means, and when necessary a written notice to be received one week (7days) prior to the date of the event.


A special meeting of Intergroup may be called at any other time other than regular meetings by the Chairperson and/or a majority vote of the officers of Intergroup.


Items for a regular or special meeting of Intergroup shall be suggested to the Chairperson no later than 24 hours before the meeting. The Chairperson will then prioritize, establish, and maintain the agenda for each regular or special meeting. A suggested agenda for the regular business meeting may be:

A. Opening:

  1. Moment of Silence
  2. Serenity Prayer
  3. SLAA Preamble
  4. SLAA Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
  5. Check-Ins

B. Reports:

  1. Secretaries’ Reports
  2. Treasurer’s Report
  3. Public Information Report
  4. Newsletter Editor’s Report
  5. GR’s/AR’s Report
  6. Coordinators’ Reports

C. Old Business.

D. New Business.

E. Closing (Serenity Prayer).



At a S.L.A.A. New England Intergroup business meeting held upon proper notification, those GRs and ARs present shall constitute a quorum and a simple majority of those present shall govern for voting purposes. Quorum will only include voting GRs and ARs – excluding any provisional GRs and ARs unless 2 criteria are met. 1) the number of voting GRs and ARs present at the meeting is less than 5 and 2) a vote of those voting GRs and ARs indicates a group conscience to allow provisional GRs and ARs to vote at that meeting


At an Intergroup meeting held upon proper notification which is meant to establish a regional consensus or group conscience affecting S.L.A.A. as a whole, a vote of three quarters of the total groups present shall govern.



  1. Election of officers shall be held in January at the first Intergroup meeting following the regular two-year GR and AR elections. The meeting will be chaired by the out-going Chairperson, or in his/her absence, by the out-going Vice-Chairperson.
  2. To provide continuity to the Intergroup’s leadership, all out-going officers will continue to perform the responsibilities of their respective offices until the election of new officers is completed at the January meeting.
  3. The term of office of all officers will be two (2)years-from the January election until the next officer election two years hence. There is no specified limit to the number of consecutive terms an office may be held by a single individual. The Intergroup’s group conscience, as reflected in the new office election, will determine when an officer shall no longer continue in his or her position. If a term is disrupted, the new officer will complete the term.
  4. Nominations of Intergroup officers will be made from the floor by any member of the new Intergroup voting body at the election meeting. A Nominating Committee will be considered when the size of Intergroup warrants it (25GR’s and AR’s).
  5. To be eligible for election as an Intergroup officer, at the time of the election a person should:
    1. Be present at the election meeting.
    2. Possess the qualities necessary to carry out the responsibilities of his/her office-good judgment, experience, stability, willingness, and faithful adherence to the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of S.L.A.A – as well as any special skills that may be required to execute the particular office he/she holds.
    3.  Be able to perform the duties required of them without detrimental effect to the recovery of any member of the fellowship, including their own.
  6. To be elected as an officer a person must receive a simple majority vote of the newly elected GR’s and AR’s present at the election.
  7. Any officer not present at two (2) consecutive Intergroup meetings shall be contacted and a new officer shall be elected or appointed unless such absences are excused by the chairperson in advance.
  8.  Any Officer who fails to maintain the established sobriety requirement shall be contacted, removed, and a new officer elected or appointed.
  9. A vacancy of an Intergroup officer shall be filled by a special election held at the next regularly scheduled Intergroup meeting. If necessary, the Chairperson may appoint an Intergroup member to carry out the responsibilities of the office until that election. Eligibility and voting requirements will be the same as for the regular Intergroup officer elections.


The Intergroup shall set, and publish the sobriety requirements for officers from time to time depending on group conscience and the current needs of the Intergroup.


  1. Presides at all Intergroup meetings.
  2. Serves as Parliamentarian or may choose to obtain one.
  3. Establishes and maintains the agenda for each Intergroup meeting. All matters of Intergroup policy shall be referred to the group for decision and action with respect to the 12 Traditions of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous.
  4. Delegates any duties of any individual officer when that officer and the Chairperson deem it necessary.
  5. Arranges a meeting place for each Intergroup business meeting.
  6. Acts as liaison to Fellowship-Wide Services,and delegates tasks when and if necessary.
  7. Arranges for mail pickup and distribution to the appropriate person.
  8. Signs all checks in conjunction with the Treasurer and Vice Chair.
  9. Calls special meetings.
  10. Appoints sub-committees. Appoints chairpersons if necessary and forwards any and all information to sub-committees responsible for handling such.
  11. Ex-officio member of all standing committees,i.e. conference steering committee.
  12. Votes only to break a tie. Therefore, the new Chairperson’s home group may elect new AR to ensure proper representation and if needed the AR becomes the GR.
  13. Picks an auditor for the annual Treasurer’s audit.
  14. At the end of term, works with the incoming Chairperson in transferring the duties of the job.


  1. Presides at all Intergroup meetings in the absence of the Chairperson.
  2. Serves as Parliamentarian or may choose to obtain one in the absence of the chairperson.
  3. Assumes all other responsibilities in the absence of the Chairperson.
  4. Signs checks in conjunction with the Treasurer and Chairperson (as an alternate signer if the Chairperson is not present.)


  1. Takes minutes of all regular, special, or executive meetings.
  2. Types and distributes copies of minutes.
  3. Notifies all members of meetings by sending minutes one week prior to the meeting.
  4. Sends minutes of meetings to Fellowship-Wide Services.
  5. Submits minutes for amendments and/or approval at each business meeting of Intergroup.
  6. Is an ex-officio member of all special, executive, or standing committees, i.e. conference steering committee.
  7. At the end of term, turns over minutes for one year past and any service handbooks. Works with the incoming Recording Secretary transferring the duties of the job.
  8. Is concerned with preservation and organization of historic S.L.A.A. New England Intergroup materials, i.e. business meetings, special meetings, conference bulletins, newsletters and meeting lists, making it available to New England S.L.A.A. members and researchers.
  9. Makes recommendations to the Treasurer for its budgetary year.


  1. Types correspondence as directed by the Chairperson.
  2. Updates meeting lists quarterly: March, June, September, and December.
  3. Provides meeting lists to GR’s and AR’s for distribution. (Responsibilities b and c maybe done by an elected Meeting List Coordinator.)
  4. Submits a verbal Corresponding Secretary’s report at each business meeting of the Intergroup, updating appropriate activities since the last meeting, if necessary.
  5. Maintains an accurate, updated record of the full name, address and telephone number of each group Representative and Alternate.
  6. Keeps the Intergroup accurately registered with Fellowship-Wide Services.
  7. Notifies Fellowship-Wide Services of changes of officers and Group Representatives.
  8. Keeps the dates of election to office of all Intergroup positions (GR’s, Alternates, Officers)
  9. At the end of term, turns over correspondence for the year past and any service handbooks, and >works with the incoming Corresponding Secretary in transferring the duties of the job.
  10. Maintains lists and addresses of those requesting informational mailings from Intergroup
  11. Assuring informational mailings are sent in timely manner.


  1. Maintains a detailed accounting ledger of the financial activities of Intergroup.
  2. Maintains a checking account in the name of S.L.A.A. New England Intergroup. Signs all checks in conjunction with the Chairperson (or Vice Chairperson as an alternate signer if the Chairperson is not present.)
  3. Deposits all donations received by Intergroup to this account.
  4. Writes checks to cover all authorized Intergroup expenses from this account.
  5. From the ledger, submits a verbal Treasurer’s report at each business meeting of Intergroup containing the following information, to be included in the minutes:
    1. Total of donations received since last report.
    2. Total of expenses incurred since last report.
    3. Cash balance in checking account.
    4. Any outstanding debts owed by intergroup.
    5. Net balance after considering indebtedness.
  6. Receives all special monies, i.e. conferences, literature.
  7. When necessary, reports on projected expenditures.
  8. Prepares the books for a yearly audit.
  9. Makes recommendations for contribution to Fellowship-Wide Service if and when solicited.
  10. Submits recommended budget for the following fiscal year in April to be reviewed by Intergroup.
  11. At the end of term, will turn over the books and explain the accounting systems to the new Treasurer.


  1. The ultimate goal of the Outreach Chairperson and Committee is to reach every person in the New England area whose life is adversely affected by sex and love addiction.
  2. Motivates other S.L.A.A. members to handle 12th Step calls; encouraging members to be the first S.L.A.A. contact that a newcomer would meet (phone calls, giving rides or otherwise getting newcomers to their first meeting); speaking at non-S.L.A.A. organizations and corresponding with lone members.
  3. Acting as a liaison with the public, exercises a combination of public relations and a thorough grasp of S.L.A.A. Traditions in relation to the public; providing the public with knowledge of S.L.A.A. through regional papers, radio, TV, and other public media.
  4. The Outreach Committee develops and improves communication with the professional community by furnishing speakers for non-S.L.A.A. organizations such as hospitals, penal institutions, correctional facilities, mental health clinics, rehabilitation centers, courts, juvenile homes, or abused families residences seeking information about S.L.A.A.
  5. Works with professionals who ask for help in establishing an S.L.A.A. group at their facility by acting as a liaison to the general membership.
  6. Exchanges, assimilates, translates and distributes information to other S.L.A.A. members who then might participate in professional programs which are designed to reach other sex and love addicts.
  7. Submits a verbal Outreach Committee report at each business meeting of Intergroup, if necessary.
  8. At the end of term,works with the incoming Outreach Chairperson in transferring the duties of the job.
  9. Responds to all inquiries by those incarcerated for the purpose of bringing the message of sex and love addiction to those that still suffer.
  10. Becomes NEI’s liaison with F.W.S. and the F.W.S. Prison Outreach Committee.


  1. Is commissioned by Intergroup to serve as overall manager for the principal communication link for transmitting the message of recovery to the general New England membership of S.L.A.A. Follows a structure which reports individual, group, Intergroup, and Fellowship-Wide activities which may include, but is not limited to:
  2. Meeting information columns (lists, changes)
  3. Upcoming events column.
  4. Statement of purpose.
  5. Summarized Intergroup minutes.
  6. Fellowship-Wide news articles or announcements.
  7. News reports from the groups.
  8. Articles from individual members.
  9. Assumes the responsibility for obtaining news, typing and lay-out.
  10. Arranges for printing and distribution of the newsletter to groups through their Group Representative, Alternate Representative, and NEI mailing list.
  11. Sends copies to Fellowship-Wide Services and Intergroup Archivist
  12. Submits a finished copy to the Secretary for review and distribution.
  13. Prepares an estimated yearly budget. Based on budget, sets subscription fees for extra and/or individual copies.
  14. At the end of term works with the incoming Newsletter Editor in transferring the duties of the job.


  1. Keeps the web site up-to-date by adding new information and rescinding old information.
  2. Publishes Intergroup meeting dates and time.
  3. Updates meeting information and only publishes addresses of those groups that have given NEI permission to publish their address location on the web site.
  4. Seeks to obtain Intergroup website design and maintenance decisions (e.g., content, presentation, funding, etc.) by the group conscience of Intergroup.
  5. Ensures electronic mail sent Intergroup is answered in a timely manner.
  6. Recruits volunteers to help with answering inquiries received via the web site.
  7. Volunteer email responders must have at least 3 months of continuous sobriety to serve.
  8. Ensures that group and Intergroup email contact information is anonymous, i.e., utilizing blind carbon copy mailing lists, so that members anonymity is preserved.
  9. Maintains updated email address list in consultation with Corresponding Secretary and/or Mailing List coordinator.
  10. In keeping with our 5th and 10th traditions, the site will only contain materials that discuss, explain, and relate to S.L.A.A.
  11. With respect to tradition 7, Intergroup will be responsible for paying any fees associated with the web site.
  12. The site may link to other SLAA related web sites. However, our links do not constitute or indicate review, endorsement, or approval.
  13. At the end of term, works with the incoming Web Site Coordinator in transferring the duties of the job.


  1. Has a functional knowledge of the literature available from all sources, i.e. Fellowship-Wide Service, Intergroup and A.A.
  2. Is alert to the need for new types of literature, i.e. pamphlets, handouts, public information notices and periodicals.
  3. When necessary, produces or arranges for production of new literature which will be submitted for approval first to Intergroup, then to S.L.A.A.’s Conference Literature Committee or other Conference-level entity as required for approval of literature for the S.L.A.A. conference.
  4. Administers any inventory Intergroup might maintain of Literature for sale to individual groups or individuals
  5. Provides suggestions to the Treasurer regarding budgets for Literature purchases and sales
  6. Submits a verbal report at all business meetings of Intergroup, when necessary.
  7. At the end of term, works with the incoming Literature Secretary in transferring the duties of the job.


*The Alternate assumes the duties of the GR in the absence of the GR.

  1. Group Representatives (GR’s) and Alternate Representatives (AR’s) represent their group at Intergroup meetings where the representatives share information of importance.
  2. Speaks for his or her group and in turn brings back to the home group whatever has been learned at the meeting.
  3. Represents the voice of their group conscience by one vote per representative.
  4. Knows their Intergroup Service Handbook and be familiar with conference approved literature.
  5. Knows what material is available from Intergroup meeting lists, newsletters, bulletins-and work with their home group Secretary or Literature person to promote its use.
  6. Submits verbal GR/AR report at each business meeting of Intergroup, if necessary.
  7. Is familiar with Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, 12 Steps and 12 Traditions, and Alcoholics Anonymous. They are guardians of the SLAA Traditions to their group and are encouraged to learn whatever they can about Intergroup’s vital traditions and customs.
  8. Usually serves on their home group’s steering committees (i.e. group anniversary) as they are formed, helping to remind the groups or their individual group customs and local traditions.
  9. Works with the group Treasurer to establish a proposal for a regular contribution plan to Intergroup and Fellowship-Wide Services. They help prioritize the proportion or surplus funds allocated to their own home group, then Intergroup, and finally Fellowship-Wide Services.
  10. If approved by their home group’s conscience, serves as contact person for their meeting place for the length of their term.
  11. Helps new groups become involved in Intergroup.
  12. Helps with planning, advance registration, and publicity for Intergroup functions, and Fellowship- Wide Services events. Following these events, they make reports to their groups for the benefit of those who could not attend.
  13. Are on the mailing list of NEI and Fellowship-Wide Services and are listed in the S.L.A.A. world directory as contacts for the individual groups. They receive any Fellowship-Wide Services’ newsletter or bulletin and keep their groups informed of S.L.A.A. activities throughout the Fellowship.
  14. No single individual shall represent more than one group.
  15. At the end of term, works with the incoming Group Representative in transferring the duties of the job.


  1. Provides for correspondence received from newcomers in the service area which is referred to Intergroup by Fellowship-Wide Services
  2. Keeps the phone answering service appraised of local meeting information, events or relevant information about groups in the service area.
  3. Recruits and maintains phone call volunteers having at least 3 months of continuous sobriety who retrieve calls from the phone service, return calls to those seeking information, and report the number of calls and addresses of those requesting literature and/or meeting lists.
  4. Keeps in stock all needed items for mailing. (All expenses will be reimbursed by Intergroup upon request.)
  5. Keeps a log of all phone volunteer information.
  6. At the end of term,works with the incoming Telephone Coordinator in transferring the duties of the job.


  1. Coordinates Intergroup-wide Activities including periodic social events to bring recovering addicts together in healthy activities
  2. Coordinates any regularly scheduled events relating to recovery such as 12-Step retreats and Recovery Gatherings
  3. Ensures that all sponsored Intergroup events remain true to the Primary Purpose of S.L.A.A. – Sharing the solution of the 12 Steps of recovery with those still suffering
  4. Makes verbal reports to the Intergroup about upcoming activities planned within the budget laid out by the Intergroup Treasurer
  5. Identifies areas of concern within any planned activities that might require a Group Conscience vote
  6. Provides input to Treasurer regarding budgeting for activities



The activities of the Intergroup shall be financed primarily by the contributions of its member groups. Since this support is crucial, each group is encouraged to establish a regular schedule for contributing. It should be noted, however, that contributing to the Intergroup is not a requirement for an S.L.A.A. group’s affiliation with the Intergroup.


A secondary source of financial income to the Intergroup may include but is not limited to individual Intergroup projects or activities such as the “Recovery Conference,” special speaker meetings, or sale of Intergroup literature.


The Intergroup may accept donations of up to $1,000 per year from individual members in accordance with the Twelve Traditions and general practices of S.L.A.A. Fellowship.


The acceptance of bequests or donations from any outside source is prohibited, as outlined in Tradition Seven.


The Intergroup shall not accept the responsibility, trusteeship or enter into the distribution or allocation of funds set up outside of the Intergroup.


Upon dissolution of the Intergroup, after paying or adequately providing for any debts or obligations, the remaining assets shall be donated to S.L.A.A. Fellowship-Wide Services.


No part of the net earnings of the Intergroup shall ever inure to or be for the benefit of, or distribution to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the Intergroup shall be empowered to pay compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the exempt purpose for which it was formed.


Under no circumstances shall the Intergroup carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by an association exempt form Federal Income Tax under Sections 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.



The Chairperson, together with the Intergroup officers, shall appoint such committees as required in order to carry out the purpose of the Intergroup. Each group shall submit monthly reports on activities and expenditures. The Chairperson,Vice Chairperson and Recording Secretary of the Intergroup shall be ex-officio members of all standing and ad-hoc service committees.

A committee head shall be appointed from those Group Representatives or Alternate Representatives duly elected. Any committee head not present at two (2) consecutive Intergroup meetings shall be contacted and a new committee head shall be appointed or elected unless said absences have been excused by the Chairperson in advance.



Matters which relate to major policy affecting Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous in the New England area shall be referred to the New England Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous Intergroup for discussion and resolution. Matters which relate to Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous as a whole shall be referred to the Augustine Fellowship, Fellowship-Wide Services Board of Trustees through the position of the Chairperson or any other person as designated by NEI.



A delegate is an essential link between the Intergroup and the Fellowship-Wide Services and the Conference of S.L.A.A. Multiple Delegates may be elected in accordance with the policies of the Conference of S.L.A.A.


It is suggested that a delegate or alternate have the sobriety recommended by F.W.S. That person would be selected for judgment, experience, stability, and willingness and for their faithful adherence to the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of S.L.A.A. They must also meet any and all guidelines established by Fellowship-Wide Services or the Conference of S.L.A.A


Delegates or alternates may be instructed as to the desires of the groups they represent.


They should have one year of recent service to S.L.A.A. beyond the group level.


They shall be duly elected GR and AR and shall not be absent for two (2) consecutive Intergroup meetings.


Delegates shall be elected for a two year term of office.



These by-laws may be altered, amended or repealed and new by-laws may be adopted at any time by a simple majority vote of the Group Representatives or Alternates present at any regular or special business meeting of the Intergroup, provided that a copy of the proposed alteration, amendment, or repeal has been submitted through available and prevailing electronic means, and when necessary by written notice, to each affiliated group secretary, Group Representative and Alternate at least 10 days prior to the meeting at which action is to be taken on the alteration, amendment, or repeal.